(hadith of At-Tirmidhi on the authority of Abu Hurayrah)


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Sayyidina 'Abdullah bin 'Umar Radhiyallahu 'Anhu narrates: "We, ten people came to the noble assembly of Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam. He turned towards us and began saying" 'there are five things, I seek Allah refuge, from you falling into them:
a) When shamelessness becomes prevalent in a community and it is practised openly (without fear). They become entangled in plague and in such diseases that never existed during the time of forefathers.
b) When a nation cheats in measures and weights, they become afflicted by drought, hardships and an oppressive ruler.
c) When a nation stops the giving of zakaat from their wealth, they become deprivedof rain. If it werw not for the animals it would never have rained.
d) When people break promises, Allah sets over them their enemies from another nation who will forcefully take away their belongings.
e) When their leaders refrain from giving verdicts according to the commands af Allah, Allah ta'aala brings murdering and killing inbetween themselves." - Ibn Maajah; Jazaa-ul Aa'maal, Page 8
Allah Most High said to the Bani Israel: "When My commands are obeyed, I am pleased. When I am pleased I garnt barakah and there is no end to My barakah. When I am disobeyed, I become angry and curse. The effects of my curse lasts for seven generations."-Ahmed
It does not mean that all the seven generations are cursed, rather it means that, the barakah the offspring receives if one is pious is not achieved. - Hayatul Muslimeen. Page 266.
2. Hoarding grain at the time of need: Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallahu 'Alayhi Wassalam has said: "The person who hoards food from the Muslims for forty days (in spite of severe shortage), and does not sell it. Allah Ta'aala will affect the gulity person will afflict the gullity person with leprosy and proverty." - Mishkaat.
3. Beg without necessity: Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wassalam has said:"One who opens the doors of begging, Allah Ta'aala opens (instead) the door of proverty."
There is no prohibition from asking at the time genuine need.
4.Disgracing and disrespecting of bread: saqyyiditana 'Aai-sha Radhiyallahu 'Anha reports that Sayyidina Rasulullah Sallahu 'Alayhi Wassallam said:"Handle bread with respect."
(based on a lesson of Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah)